Turning Point Tutors now offers group tuition packages for a maximum of 3 students, as an alternative option for groups of students. The student must find other students taking the same module who will join the session. The hourly rate is applicable to each student.
Private Tutoring & Mentorship
Private Academic Assistance
Primary School to University
Max Group of 3 students
Both Face to Face/Online
Academic mentor allocation is based on same degree.
Mentors guide the student through their academic journey
Schedule is based on student and tutor availability
Location : University Campus, TPT Campus, Student's Home
Preparation Courses
Tests & Exams Preparation
Online and offline
Revision of test or exam content
Curriculum intensive work over a duration of 3 days
6-12 hours
Revision Notes Provided
Worked out problems Set
Access to live recordings after session
Reading and Scribing Services
Academic assistance to special needs learners/students
All readers and scribes are certified by the department of education
A scribe may be provided to write answers for your child in tests and exams.
A reader may be provided to read and clarify questions for your child on tests and exams that don’t pertain to reading skills
Turning Point Tutors has been assisting learners from Cederwood College in Midrand for the past 7 years